Orchard Rock Development Ltd

Debt Collection
A popular solution for debt collection teams as well as collectiong in-house debts.

Elevate Your Debt Collection Process

Customize Your Application: Choose Only the Modules You Need.

Since its initial release in 2015, our comprehensive Debt Collection workflow has continuously evolved to meet the needs of top UK law firms. Trusted by several top 200 UK firms, it offers a robust, feature-rich solution for both dedicated debt collection teams and lawyers managing in-house and client debt.

Key Benefits

  • Flexible Integration: Our legally compliant letters are available in MS Word format and can be seamlessly integrated with your existing letter suite, providing a cohesive and efficient workflow.

  • Automated Document Management: All letters, documents, and forms are pre-coded to automatically incorporate relevant contact details and other essential information from your database, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

  • Powered by Smartflow: Built using our Smartflow application, the workflow offers unparalleled flexibility and ease of maintenance. Make changes without coding, and implement new workflows that can be designed, built, and tested within just a few hours.

Want a closer look?

Contact us for more details or book a demo

Contact Us

Enhance your debt collection capabilities with a solution designed for simplicity and adaptability, ensuring your firm remains agile and responsive in a dynamic legal landscape. Discover how our Debt Collection workflow can transform your operations today.

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